Heart Shaped - Garden Furniture sets
Garden Furniture - Chair, benches, patio and many more
Best Deal - “Heart Shaped”. Read about this product review and check the best prices !
Most of the consumer reviews tell that Heart Shaped are high quality product. You can read comments and testimony about this Heart Shaped from our consumers to find out more from their experience. Firstly, It’s better for you to see it’s description, features and it’s details. You can directly see complete reviews about this Heart Shaped before you buy.
Product Description of "Heart Shaped" :
Wonderful real wax candles that light up! Okay, you're probably thinking that ALL candles light up, but these candles are something special! These candles actually light up FROM THE INSIDE! - And then change colours, you have to see it to believe it! They work with a small switch on the base so (unlike others) you don't need to light the candle. The LED colour changing light will last many hours but after the battery goes you can burn the candles as normal so you get a double life from these candles. Double the Delight! What better romantic gift than a flickering heart shaped LED candle. Imported directly so we believe our wholesale LED Candle prices to be very keen. Plus you can make an eye catching display. A great product to demonstrate to your customers - so easy to sell!
More Features :
- Wonderful real wax candles that light up!
Quick Buying Choice
You can buy Heart Shaped at the best price with super saver shipping. See more prices, shipping options available and additional information via click the link below – Get it Now!